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Understanding Snowflake ID and its uses

3 minute read

In distributed systems, ensuring unique and scalable identifiers is critical. While working on a recent problem, I needed to generate unique 64bit numbers ac...

Tweeting my notes with Google Cloud Functions

3 minute read

A habit that I developed in recent times is to take a short note about the things I learn at work and in my personal explorations. Something like a flash car...

Serializing data with protobuf and json

3 minute read

I have been reading about gRPC and protobuf in the recent times, exploring protocol buffers and grpc concepts. The quick start tutorials provided for differe...

Exploring Zookeeper C Client

3 minute read

A short while ago I happened to work on Zookeeper related feature that required the use of Zookeeper C Client library to interact with the ensemble. We ran i...

Using ChatGPT in my everyday workflow

2 minute read

A few months ago, ChatGPT was made generally available and like many others, I was in awe of its technology, power, and most importantly, its simplicity of u...